
Showing posts from November, 2018

Climate bets: Evans vs Schmidt

Dramatis personae Coolist:  David Evans, mathematician and engineer.  His wikipedia page is here , and there's a fairly lengthy page at desmogblog . The strapline of one of his websites demonstrates his concerted Coolism: Natural influences mostly explain recent global warming. The 2020s will be cooler than the 1980s.  Warmist: Brian Schmidt, environmental lawyer.  He used to blog here , but nowadays mainly blogs at Rabbett Run .  The bet This one, established in 2007, is a bit more complex than most as it has three time periods and two odds for each period. As Schmidt explained at the time : We have three bet periods -10, 15, and 20 years - and two bets for each period - an even-odds bet and a 2:1 bet in David's favor. The even-odds bet centers around a temperature increase rate of 0.15C/decade with a 0.02 void margin on either side (bet voids if temps increase between .13 and .17C/decade). The 2:1 bet centers on 0.1C/decade with a .01 void marg...